Rasmus Rafael Damgaard


Portrait photo of Rasmus

Hi visitor. I'm a vegan illustrator, animator, music producer and writer from Copenhagen Denmark. Born 1986.

I began drawing around the age of 3, and haven’t put down the pencil since. Drawing has always had a therapeutic effect on me and it helped me to confront my problems and frustrations. I have studied psychology, music theory and multi-media design. In 2009 I started working as a freelance graphic designer and have been involved in many different projects since then. I was involved in an anti-fur campaign in which I made the silver fox logo, and made the banner for the animal rights march In Copenhagen, something I am very proud of being a part of. Another job I am very proud of is working for the green sustainable energy company El Quator, where I helped design many of the products and info pictures. Green energy Is the future if we want to have a planet to live on. I am always developing and streamlining my creative process and keep trying new things to better myself.

I am strongly against, animal abuse, racism, fascism, inequality, injustice, discrimination of minorities, & uncontrolled capitalism that way too often end in pollution of the environment and health problems for the population. I am generally opposing any kind of exploitation of the weak & innocent including nature & natural resources. Animal abuse is the most horrible act you can participate in. This includes the meat Egg & Dairy Industry. Slaughterhouses is hell on earth and should have been abolished a long time ago. Morals and ethics means alot to me. To have integrity is very important to me and I reflect alot about what I do, say and support. All people should have access to a good education and free healthcare.

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