Europe Strikes Back
700 Billion Defence Package
700 Billion Defence Package
A piece of shit, trying to look more human.
Say Hi to Princess Fnuggé
I adopted this adorable little fluffy baby girl In September 2024. She is very curious and loves cuddles and gives a lot of kisses
I'm writing some lyrics and practicing my vocals, I still don't like my voice in recordings but this helps. Røde NT2-A
Born September 2023 :)
Oliver is very happy to be a big brother and he is also getting really good at building Lego
March 21 2024
New study shows that tobacco smoking is not only bad for your phycical health but also your mental health.
In any way you can!
My Guitar Is Ready to Kill Facism
Posted 21th March 2023
Posted 21th May 2021
I've been struggling with traumatic events for years and alcohol & drugs became a way of escaping and putting my negative feelings on hold. I didn't work as intended and just made things worse so my family decided to make an intervention and send me to rehabilitation far from home. Out in the country away from my usual environment. It was an incredibly hard program from early morning to late evening with meditation, group therapy psychology lessons and long walks in the forest. But it worked great and I am clean and sober now, ready to face the world again. Focused and motivated.
My first nephew. 2018
I need to visit france again soon
Born august 08 1986. Copenhagen Denmark